Hookups - Current Activities
If you are not a member a subscription is just R2/day and you can cancel at any time. Over 18's only. ID required. Men only.
Have you tried the questionnaire What I'm Into 10 h.
Have you tried the questionnaire My Stats 10 h.
Movies are great for dates or watching with friends. Take a look at {hl-viewmovieschedule.php?VL=1&RID=*&MOID=2220&VL=1&VT=2}3D - Abominable 10 h.
Snuggle up with someone and watch the TV Show Bob The Builder showing on eToonz+ 10 h.
Snuggle up with someone and watch the TV Show Celebrity Scoop showing on E.TV 10 h.
Movies are great for dates or watching with friends. Take a look at {hl-viewmovieschedule.php?VL=1&RID=*&MOID=2188&VL=1&VT=2}2D - Losing Lerato 10 h.
Have you tried the questionnaire More about me 10 h.
Ghost's birthday is tomorrow (23 Sep) 10 h.
BabyG's birthday is tomorrow (23 Sep) 10 h.
Noh's birthday is tomorrow (23 Sep) 10 h.
If you are not a member a subscription is just R2/day and you can cancel at any time. Over 18's only. ID required. Men only.